Global Jobs Network


Refund Policy

Not satisfied? Get your money back.

We thank you and appreciate your purchase with us. Please read the refund policy, conditions and process carefully as they will give you important information and guidelines about your rights and obligations as our customer, concerning any job posting you make through us unless specifically stated otherwise on our product pages or readers offer advertisements.

When we charge money for our services, we totally understand the fact that money is important for you.

Keeping this in mind, we always strive to provide you with the finest services. However, if you still found it inadequate or don’t get what you were looking for, you can directly connect with us. We believe that refund process must be tranquil and should not include botheration. At Global Jobs Network LLC, we have a crystal-clear refund policy. Ask for it and get your money back.

We offer 100% money back guarantee if you’re not satisfied and this applies for all the users and plans.

Providing you with the most relevant updates for competent employees for your house/organization is our job and we always strive dedicatedly so that you can get the maximum. However, if you still think that you’re not getting enough out of it, you can directly ask for a refund. You can easily get your money back within first 30 days after the activation of your account. After that, you would still be able to use Global Jobs Network as a normal user. In addition, you can again subscribe to any of our packages anytime in future.

Limitation of Liability

If the product is ever discontinued, “Global Jobs Network LLC” has no liability to continue to provide the services and the user agrees that all services have been fully delivered and were satisfactory. There is no continuing liability on the behalf of “Global Jobs Network LLC” with regards to the user.


We reserve the right to update these terms and conditions from time to time. It’s your responsibility to ensure that you’re always aware of our latest terms.


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